Sunday, November 11, 2007

Riverbend Church

Okay so I know I've written alot this week, but that's only because my mother in law has been here so this may be the last blog for a few days! :o) Christopher has been up once again since 5:30 (4days in a row now so I'm thinking this might be his new rising time,LOL) so by 7:00 I was wide awake when Chris woke up. We watched a service on TV from Riverbend Church and I was SO LOVING IT!!!!

It was about "contentment". Being content in a Type A World! You know a type A person, the perfectionist, the leader, the competitor, and so on. That type of personality sets the bar for the rest of us and isn't a bad thing at all. The pastor went on giving all these crazy examples of if we lived in a world where everything was only 99.5% perfect what the results would be and he gave examples such as, every day 12 babies would be given to the wrong parents, 5 million or so cases of soda would be made without carbonation, 2 million books would be shipped with wrong covers and so on. I think you get the point.

So while that's all good, you NEED to be content with where you are. It seems like we are always trying to be older (when we are young of course and vise versa), trying to be richer, trying to have more assets and so on. So why can't we just be content with where we are? Well there are three major things that prevent us from doing so..

The enemy of Contentment:
*complicating your life

He said something else that will just stick with me probably forever!
"Don't dig up your own seeds", basically just have patience, live in the MOMENT and just know it will all work out! He gave an example of being a young boy on his parents' farm and every spring when he'd see the fresh soil tilled and seeded he didn't question if the crop would grow, but waited for it to sprout up! Patience.

This spoke to me so much this morning so I just wanted to share it with all of you.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Is that a church here in Austin? Not familiar with that one. Sounds like you are just on a roll with your spiritual growth and that is wonderful to watch. Impatience and immaturity can definately ruin some great things that God may have started in us if we allow it to. It's hard to wait for the things that we think we so desparately want. I am definately not a patient person. :-)